Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park lies in the north eastern part of Rwanda along Rwanda’s border with Tanzania. The Park’s land was re-allocated as farmlands in 1997 and this largely reduced its total area to 1122 square meters which is still maintained up to date. It was named after the Akagera River that streams along its eastern boundary empting into Lake Ihema.

Not like other two Rwanda Parks, Akagera is home to abundant game species including those that are endemic to the papyrus swamp like shoebill Stork, Sitatunga and more. Other notable species in the Park include Buffaloes, Elephants, and Zebras, Water bucks, elands, roan antelopes and topi. It also houses the side-striped jackal, lion, hyenas, and the leopards. It is also home to over 500 species of birds.

Birders see both endemic and rare gems such as the red-faced barbet, swamp flycatchers, threatened papyrus gonolek and more.

Activities in the Park

Boat Cruise on Lake Ihema

Boat cruise is an incredible experience that lets you get relieved of stress. It’s definitely one of the highlights for trips to Africa. While in Rwanda, you can do this marine experience in Akagera National Park.

All cruise excursions are offered on Lake Ihema, a spot known mainly for the largest concentration of hippos in East Africa.

Besides Hippos and Crocodiles you are most likely to behold a number of water bird species while on the cruise in addition to lake side wild animals like elephants.

This option grant travelers a great opportunity to get closer to these animals than it is for game driving.

Game Drives

Akagera National Park is majorly renowned for its wide range of Wildlife species including Wild animals, Primates, reptiles and different bird species. There is no better way you can take in best views of these animals than Game driving.

Therefore all visitors to Akagera for its Wild animals embark on a Safari vehicle with pop up roof and drive around for panoramic views of the animals, sun rise/set and the Wilderness.

Some of the animals to expect while game driving include antelopes (like elands, topis, hyenas, and more), buffaloes, big cats like civets, leopards and more.

During the game drives, travelers are not allowed to move out of the vehicle since some animals like big cats are dangerous to human life.

For nocturnal species, you will do a night game drive to view a lot of these animals. This night game drive is more rewarding since chances are high that you will spot the predators that are rarely seen during day. Some of these are serval cats, civets, lions and more.

Bird Watching

Akagera is one of the best places not to miss for remarkable bird watching Safaris. It is home to about 520 species of birds including those that are rarely found in any other part of Africa.

Birders are often fascinated by sights of numerous birds ranging from savannah to forest bird species. All these species include migratory and endemic bird species.

You will also see the rare Papyrus gonolek that are common in the Papyrus swamps. Other species include fly catchers, shoebill stork, red faced barbets and more.


Rather than Game driving, you can explore the Park in an exceptional way by being part of fishing excursions on Lake Shakani. During fishing you can sees lots of hippos wallowing and as well hear sounds of water bird species.

This experience is not only about fish encounters but also an added chance to sight more Wild animals that draw near the banks in need of water.

The fishing protocol here is catch and release but in case you are interested in tasting on these species, you can be allowed to cook or set up fire and roast.